2022 Field Forums

2022 Wisconsin Field Forums: Experience Conservation in Action
This summer, Wisconsin's Green Fire hosted t a series of field forums across the state, featuring WGF member experts, together with partners, policy makers, and local stakeholders in the field. These forums provided a space for sharing ideas, learning from others, and exploring far-reaching solutions to priority conservation issues.
Past Events

Wisconsin’s Forever Chemical Crisis – Local Impacts and Community Action
When: Thursday, June 9th, 2022; 5-7pm
Where: Wausau, WI
What: PFAS are persistent chemicals used in manufacturing that can cause severe health problems and are being discovered in a growing number of Wisconsin communities. On this tour we joined Wisconsin’s Green Fire members John Robinson, Meleesa Johnson, and other members of WGF’s Contaminants of Concern Work Group along with local elected officials for a tour and policy discussion at the Wisconsin River in downtown Wausau.
Enbridge Line 5 Oil Pipeline Reroute Tour
When: Friday, June 24th, 2022
Where: Iron County, WI
What: Wisconsin's Green Fire members joined our Enbridge Review Team, Tribal Natural Resources Department staff, and Midwest Environmental Advocates staff for informal discussions and a driving tour of sites in Iron and Ashland County along the path of the proposed oil pipeline reroute.
Paddling and Policy - 50 Years of the Clean Water Act on the Wisconsin River
When: Saturday, July 23rd; 12-4PM
Where: Wisconsin River, Wausau and Brokaw, WI
What: At the time of the 1972 passage of the Clean Water Act (CWA), few water bodies in Wisconsin needed clean up more than the Wisconsin River. Often called America’s hardest working river, the Wisconsin River Valley in the 1970s hosted a heavy concentration of pulp and paper mills, along with no less than 26 hydro-electric dams between Lake Tomahawk and Prairie Du Sac.
On this afternoon flatwater paddling trip in Wausau, we combined leisurely paddling with some rich riverbank discussions about the history of the CWA and its implementation in Wisconsin with our trip leaders Bob Martini, Todd Ambs, and Denny Caneff - all experienced paddlers and longtime river champions.
Co-existing with Wolves – History, Biology, and Policy
When: Thursday, August 4th, 2PM - Friday, August 5th 10:30AM
Where: Cable, WI
What: On this tour in northern Wisconsin, we learned about wolf ecology, wolf monitoring, and the latest issues around wolf policy from Wisconsin wolf experts Adrian Wydeven and Peter David. Our topics in the afternoon and the following morning included presentations and discussions on wolf ecology and Wisconsin wolf policy, and a howling tour on Thursday evening with Adrian.
Our History Meets Our Future - Land Conservation and Climate Resilience in the Coon Valley Watershed
When: Thursday, August 11th; 12-4PM
Where: Coon Valley, WI - Vernon and Monroe Counties
What: Our tour explored the lands where Coon Valley made conservation history. We toured farms and lands in Vernon and Monroe counties where today’s land stewards are meeting new challenges caused by climate change. Our tour leaders Bob Micheel, Ben Wojahn, and Curt Meine, along with local experts and landowners, brought together a unique wealth of conservation experience and conservation history, engaging participants in thoughtful discussion about the challenges and future opportunities for climate resilience in western Wisconsin.
Protecting Wisconsin’s Waterfronts: Milwaukee Lakefront Tour
When: Monday, September 19th; 4-7pm
Where: Milwaukee, WI
What: We were joined by Milwaukee's Riverkeeper, along with Milwaukee Water Commons and Preserve our Parks, for an afternoon waterfront tour and boat ride where we learned about the history and current issues around the Milwaukee waterfront with expert speakers from WGF and other Milwaukee-based organizations.