Conservation champions offer funding challenge

WI Green FireWI Green Fire, December 12, 2017

Roger and Lynn Van Vreede support Wisconsin's Green Fire

Thanks to so many generous members and donors we were able to meet and exceed our challenge grant! This funding is enabling us to bring on a part-time staff member and set up some crucial infrastructure. With these important pieces in place, we will be able to bring science-based conservation information back to the fore in Wisconsin.

Thank You!

Help us meet the demand of Wisconsin’s citizens for science-based information to inform decisions on natural resources and the environment. Please make a gift today.

The demand for comments, analysis, and professional expertise has been even greater than we anticipated, and it is much greater than our current capacity as an all-volunteer organization. We are receiving requests for assistance from citizens and local groups on a wide range of environmental topics.

It is challenging to keep up with the rapid pace of policy proposals at the state level that are being considered without the benefit of sound science or input from professional experience. We need to ramp up our capacity quickly.

We are already focusing on building that capacity. WGF is now incorporated in Wisconsin and our 501c3 application for nonprofit status has already been submitted to the IRS.

Beginning in 2018 we are looking to make further investments in paid staff, communication infrastructure, and the ability to respond quickly and effectively to the growing range of issues that affect natural resources throughout the state. Your support will help us take that critical step.

We can thank far-sighted conservation icons like Sigurd Olson, Aldo Leopold, and Gaylord Nelson for sharing the environmental ethics that benefit Wisconsin citizens. Many of today’s conservation champions are joining Wisconsin’s Green Fire and helping to continue that legacy. Please help us continue what we have started this year for Wisconsin’s future.

Our Conservation Champions

Roger and Lynn Van Vreede

In December 2017, Roger and Lynn Van Vreede of Appleton pledged $10,000 to put up a matching grant opportunity to quickly raise some starter funds to get WGF off and running.

Our other challenge fund donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, has pledged $10,000 in matching funds in honor of Dean Emeritus Daniel O. Trainer of the College of Natural Resources at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point.

Dean Trainer was a natural resource educator and mentor to thousands of natural resource professionals across the world. Many WGF members are familiar with his passion for natural resource science and conservation, having crossed paths with him during their education and careers. In addition to Dean Trainer’s work at UWSP he served on the Natural Resources Board for several terms helping Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources focus on science-based management of our Natural Resources.

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