Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin


The Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin: Now Back in Print!

The Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin provides a compendium of ecological, social, and economic information about Wisconsin's 16 distinct ecological landscapes. Land and water conservation planners, property managers, natural resources administrators, researchers, educators, and private landowners now have a comprehensive reference to help identify, prioritize, and sustain Wisconsin's ecological resources.

Combining richly detailed text with beautiful photographs and maps, The Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin is a must-have book for conservationists and all who love Wisconsin's lands and waters.

Wisconsin's Green Fire has made the book available in print again!

The book is available for purchase as a paperback series from Amazon. Click here to view more details and chapter descriptions. Links to purchase individual chapters are provided below.

By purchasing this book, you are also helping to support science-based conservation in Wisconsin.

A portion of the purchase proceeds will benefit Wisconsin's Green Fire.

Part 1 - Background and Statewide Assessments

Part 2 - Ecological Landscapes Assessments

Part 3 - Supporting Materials

Includes Appendices A - H, Glossary, Recommended Readings and References, About the Authors, Contributors, and Acknowledgements

Click here to view and purchase.

A great gift for planners, educators, and lovers of the outdoors!

Why purchase this book?

The Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin provides a compendium of ecological, social, and economic information about Wisconsin's 16 distinct ecological landscapes. Included among these unique landscapes are the kettle lakes in Wisconsin's northern forests, the prairies and oak savannas in the south, the coulees and ridges of the unglaciated southwest, and the dolomite cliffs of Lake Michigan's Door Peninsula.

The publication describes all the natural communities found in the state, what natural communities were present at the time of European settlement, how they have changed over time, the emerging challenges they face, and what management opportunities they offer. The publication further identifies the best areas in the state to manage for these natural communities, key habitats, aquatic features, and native plants and animals today. It identifies those resources that might be especially appropriate to sustain, emphasize, or restore within each ecological landscape. In addition, it identifies and prioritizes Wisconsin's most ecologically important resources relative to the rest of the Great Lakes region, the North American continent, and the world. The major principles of ecosystem and landscape-scale management as well as socioeconomic activities compatible with important ecological features in each of the 16 landscapes are also discussed.

Who might love this book?

  • The Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin will be useful for local property managers as well as statewide program managers in prioritizing what natural resources to focus on at a specific property.
  • County and township land and water conservation planners may use this information to develop regional and township land use plans.
  • Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), such as land trusts, may use it to develop strategic plans for the selection and design of conservation projects and as information supporting grant proposals.
  • Researchers may use it to develop efficient experimental designs to test hypotheses.
  • Educators may use it in college or high school courses to teach students about the natural resources of the state.
  • Residents may use it to understand the ecology of areas they live in and visit, and to help them develop a "sense of place."

This publication is intended to help users better understand the ecology and socioeconomic characteristics of the different regions of the state at a broad scale and ensure that the resources most in need of management get attention and that all native species, natural communities, and other important habitats are being maintained somewhere in the state.

More ways to read The Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin

Digital PDF versions of the chapters are available through the Department of Natural Resources.

Visit Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin | Wisconsin DNR to view the contents online or download the chapters.