Happy holidays from Wisconsin’s Green Fire!

Wisconsin's Green Fire, December 23, 2024

Happy holiday season 2024!

A message from Meleesa Johnson, Executive Director:

I love the winter solstice! It is my favorite day of the year! Of all the December holidays it is one that often goes unnoticed and underappreciated…at least in my humble opinion! While this winter’s solstice has now passed, it has brought us into a time of growing days and light.

For thousands of years, humans from cultures spanning the northern hemisphere have honored the winter solstice through ceremony, celebration and architecture. The search for astronomical reason and understanding is found in these things. While we now use massive radio telescopes and computers to aid our modern exploration of the universe, the astronomers of ancient times used observation and intricate measurements to predict the return of light. They used science.

Here is my holiday wish for you:

Whichever holidays you celebrate this season, may your days be filled with light.

May your time with family, friends and community be filled with peace.

As we approach a new year of uncertainty, may we always be guided by humanity, reason and the pursuit of truth.

With sincere and deep gratitude to all of you,


Aurora borealis image of an aurora tree by Jingyi Zhang

Christmas Tree Aurora by Jingyi Zhang. Via the NASA Image Gallery at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241223.html

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