Science Advisory CouncilMember

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Jerry Bartelt

Jerry Bartelt is retired from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources after 33 years of wildlife research experience. Jerry directed the Wildlife and Forestry Research program during his last 15 years of employment. He holds a B.S. in Zoology from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and a M.S. in Wildlife Ecology from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his recent interests include ecosystem and landscape-scale management, adaptive resource management, and ecologically sustainable management practices that are economically profitable and socially acceptable (e.g., sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry). Jerry has been involved with many ecological and landscape-scale, multi-scale planning efforts at both the state and multi-state level (e.g., 2005 Wisconsin Wildlife Action Plan, the Land Legacy Project, Deer Population Management Environmental Assessment, Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative-All Bird Plan). He also co-authored the “Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin”, a publication that describes the ecological resources of the state, identifies the most important resources to manage in Wisconsin from a regional, continental, and global perspective, and wherein the state is the best place to manage them.

Since retirement, Jerry’s interests are in using ecologically sensitive and socially acceptable solutions to solve natural resource problems, planning resource management at a landscape-scale, and providing unbiased scientifically sound information to decision-makers. He lives on a farm in Black Earth, WI and spends as much time as possible outside, bike touring, hiking, kayaking and backpacking in wild areas, traveling, and birding.