Science Advisory CouncilMember

IMG_2295_Lucy Tyrrell

Lucy Tyrrell

Lucy Tyrrell lives near Bayfield and sums her interests as nature, creativity (writing, photography, quilting, sketching), and adventure (canoeing, mushing). She holds a B.S. in botany/zoology, M.A.T. (science education), M.S. (botany), and Ph.D. (botany, ecology). Over her career as a nature center teacher-naturalist, a science classroom teacher, and a research administrator/ecologist with the U.S. Forest Service (Eastern Region) and the National Park Service (Denali National Park and Preserve), she has combined her interests in nature, science, research, education, and communications. She has compiled and edited documents for the USFS and NPS, including the writing, editing, and design of 100 fact sheets on resource topics and research results. As Bayfield Poet Laureate for 2020–2021, she organized, edited, and designed A is for Apostle Islands (an ABC book for all ages combining the talents of 48 poets and artists to interpret the A-Z natural and cultural resource topics chosen to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore). She served as WGF’s newsletter editor for 4+ years.