WGF State Legislation Tracker (2023-2024)


Tracking Wisconsin's Environmental Bills

The Legislative Team of Wisconsin’s Green Fire (WGF) chooses which energy, recreation, conservation, and environmental bills they will follow in a Legislative Session. Bills are selected based on WGF work group interest and our ability to provide legislators and the public with science-based information on the policy issues involved and impacts of a proposal. 

The spreadsheet below lists the bills that WGF followed during the 2023-2024 legislative session, the subject of the bill, and its status as it moved through the Legislative process. These are the bills for which our teams of experts provided science-based information to the Legislature.

We will share the 2025-2026 chart of bills WGF is tracking beginning in January 2025 when the Legislature returns and begins their new two-year session.

Additionally, the Wisconsin State Legislature offers an email service to keep you updated on the status of a bill. Just follow these simple steps: 

  1. Start at the Wisconsin State Legislature’s home page: http://www.legis.wisconsin.gov. 
  2. On the right side of the dark blue ribbon beneath the search function, click on “Help” and you will be directed to “More Information About the Legislature.” Click on “Follow the process” to be directed to an explanation of how a bill becomes law.
  3. See the “What You Can Do” column on the right side of the page to learn how to find a proposal and determine its bill number. In the third paragraph of this column, click on “email notification service” to be directed to an explanation of how to create an account so you can follow along. 

To skip the background information, follow this link – Wisconsin State Legislature Notification Systemto the email service. 

For more information on a specific bill listed on the spreadsheet below, please call Paul Heinen, WGF Policy Liaison, at 608-692-0279, or contact Paul at pheinen@wigreenfire.org.