Update on 2025 Fish and Wildlife Account

Wisconsin's Green Fire, December 18, 2024

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Briefs Wisconsin’s Green Fire (WGF) and State Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Groups on 2025 Fish and Wildlife Account

Prepared by Paul Heinen, WGF Policy Director

As the Governor prepares his 2025-2027 State Budget for release in late February, he has invited Wisconsin’s Green Fire (WGF) Executive Director Meleesa Johnson to bring him WGF’s funding priorities for potential additions to his budget.

Maggie Hutter, WDNR Budget Director and Stephanie Boebel, DNR Administrative Assistant, brief statewide conservation partners, December 2024.

Maggie Hutter, WDNR Budget Director and Stephanie Boebel, WDNR Administrative Assistant, brief statewide conservation partners, December 16, 2024.

One priority issue is closing the $16 million deficit in the Fish and Wildlife Account.

On December 16th, WDNR Deputy Secretary Steven Little and WDNR Budget Director Maggie Hutter briefed WGF and statewide hunting and fishing groups on the deficit and the need for new fees or new funding to help keep current programs running.  The timing of the WDNR briefing was excellent as Meleesa prepares for the upcoming Governor’s briefing.

The Fish and Wildlife Account pays for law enforcement, hunting and fishing costs in the WDNR. It is 12% of the total WDNR budget.  With the State Legislature having not allowed fee increases for years, more and more federal funds that the state received have paid for fishing and hunting state program costs. These federal funds come through programs like the Pittman-Robertson Program ($37 million dollars last year) and the Dingell-Johnson Program ($23 million dollars last year). This deficit spending is not sustainable.

WGF Executive Director Meleesa Johnson said:

“I will work with Governor Evers, WDNR, and our conservation partners on ways to raise the fees necessary to cover the current deficit in the Fish and Wildlife Account. However, we need to look at a long-term sustainable funding source so we don’t find ourselves in the same place a few years from now.”

Advancing science-based natural resources policies and adequate funding for conservation programs are important to Wisconsin’s Green Fire.

More from WGF on the Fish and Wildlife Account:

Joint Audit Committee Approves Fish and Wildlife Fee Audit

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