Work GroupLeader

Dolly Ledin

Dolly Ledin

Dolly Ledin is an advisor to the ACP Work Group. Dolly coordinated outreach for UW WISCIENCE for 27 years where she built long-term partnerships (to strengthen science education) between the university, local K-12 schools and organizations that serve youth. She worked as an elementary and middle school teacher, an environmental educator with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and adjunct faculty with the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. She has also led courses for teachers in Puerto Rico, led university students on a study-abroad course in rural Ecuador, and spent a year as the environmental education coordinator at the Cloud Forest School in Monteverde, Costa Rica. She has an MS in Land Resources from UW Madison’s Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. She received the Sister Joel Read Civic Leadership Award from the Wisconsin Campus Compact in 2015 and has received partnership awards from the Madison School District and UW Madison. Dolly now volunteers as a co-chair of WGF’s Environmental Education Work Group.