WGF Meetings with Legislators – January 2025

Wisconsin's Green Fire, January 27, 2025

by WGF Policy Director, Paul Heinen

WGF Staff Met with Legislators in Madison

Wisconsin’s Green Fire (WGF) Executive Director Meleesa Johnson and Policy Director Paul Heinen have been spending time at the State Capitol, meeting with many of the new 2025-2026 State Legislators from both parties. Many of the legislators knew about our past work and asked about our current issues. We arranged these meetings to build and strengthen relationships with decision makers in our state government and to talk about WGF’s conservation priorities. Here are a few highlights from those meetings.

Senator Habush Sinykin

It was particularly enjoyable to meet with our ex-WGF Board Member, Senator Jodi Habush Sinykin.  She is the new Senator from the State Senate District 8, north of Milwaukee. Senator Habush Sinykin will be serving on both the Senate Sporting Heritage and Natural Resources Standing Committees. So, we will be engaging with her again on many environmental and conservation issues.

Meleesa Johnson, Senator Jodi Habush Sinykin, Paul Heinen sit together at a table in the Wisconsin Capitol by a bright window

Meleesa Johnson (WGF), Senator Jodi Habush Sinykin, Paul Heinen (WGF), 2025

Representative Miresse

We also met with Representative Vincent “Vinnie” Miresse of Assembly District 71. He serves on all three of the Forestry, Environment and Sporting Heritage Committees in the State Assembly. He and Meleesa have worked together for many years, including serving together on the Portage County Board together for five years. Representative Miresse has a strong conservation background and is well-versed on the issues that he will be spending his time on in his committee roles.

Meleesa Johnson and Rep. Vincent Miresse stand together in a Capitol office by the USA and Wisconsin flags

Meleesa Johnson and Rep. Vincent Miresse, 2025

Representative Tittl

Andy LaLonde sat it in for Representative Paul Tittl of Assembly District 25. We mainly discussed Stewardship, Hunting and Fishing Fees and the need to address forestry’s future in Wisconsin.

Legislative Aide Andy LaLonde and Meleesa Johnson stand together holding signs for the Joint Legislative Council Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes

Legislative Aide Andy LaLonde of Rep. Tittl’s office and WGF’s Meleesa Johnson, 2025

Representative Mursau

We also had an excellent meeting with Representative Jeff Mursau of Assembly District 36 and his aide Cory Bruce. We talked about Forestry Strategic planning, PFAS, and neonics in a broad ranging conversation with the chair of the Assembly Forestry Committee.

Working with Legislators during the New Legislative Session

We look forward to the new Legislative Session and working with old friends and new faces! We will be sharing more updates via the WGF website and newsletter throughout the coming months.

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We welcome your questions and comments on our meetings with legislators or other conservation policy questions. Contact us.

Inside the Wisconsin State Capitol, columns, arches, and halls

 Inside the Wisconsin State Capitol, photo by Carolyn Pralle

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