Wisconsin’s 2023-2025 State Budget: WGF Highlights and Summary
WI Green Fire, February 22, 2023

On Wednesday, February 15th, Governor Evers released his 2023-2025 State Budget, the single most important bill introduced every two years at the Capitol. The budget includes important investments in protecting the health and safety of Wisconsin citizens and natural resources and makes crucial changes to ensure democratic decision making in natural resource management and policy making. Click here to view WGF’s list of budget highlights.
The budget is now in the Joint Committee on Finance, the 16-member committee made up of eight Senators and eight Representatives. Typically, the Committee will then hold hearings across the state in March and April to collect citizens’ opinions on the funding priorities outlined in the budget.
We encourage any Green Fire member to attend the public hearings and testify. If you are interested in speaking as a Green Fire representative, please contact WGF Executive Director Fred Clark (fclark@wigreenfire.org).
WGF has identified highlights in the Budget based on the interests of Green Fire members. We have included a brief list below, you can also read more detail on these highlights here. The full 2023-2025 Wisconsin budget is also available here, the in Brief summary here, and budget sections by agency here.
Budget highlights include:
- Revisions to the Knowles Nelson Stewardship Fund project review process.
- Allocates funding for new Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources staff.
- Clarifies board and council appointment terms.
- Additional funding for PFAS testing and standards.
- Over 20 items supporting state agency climate work.
- Over 30 items supporting agricultural programs that will promote a cleaner rural landscape and reduce water pollution.
- Supports forestry and forest regeneration efforts.
- Adjusts nonresident deer hunting license fees and supports Chronic Wasting Disease mitigation, prevention, and research efforts.
View our full list of highlights here.