Wisconsin’s Green Fire Joins Partners in Support of Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA)
WI Green Fire, April 21, 2022
The Wisconsin Coalition for Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, made of over 30 Wisconsin-based conservation organizations including Wisconsin’s Green Fire, has signed a letter supporting the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) as it moves to a floor vote in the U.S. House and Senate. RAWA would provide approximately $18 million to Wisconsin each year to help the 400 species of concern in Wisconsin. Over 400 wildlife species in Wisconsin are at risk of becoming threatened, endangered, or extinct due to climate change, habitat loss, invasive species, and disease. RAWA funding will provide the means to protect these species in Wisconsin and across the country.
Protecting Wisconsin’s wildlife and habitats will also provide jobs and economic support to communities across Wisconsin. Wisconsin consistently ranks among the top states in bird and wildlife watching, a roughly $17 billion industry in the U.S.. Healthy wildlife and habitats will support these industries for years to come.
According to WGF’s Executive Director Fred Clark, RAWA would dedicate $1.4 billion annually to locally-led wildlife restoration efforts, with most of the money going to wildlife agencies like the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources that will use funding for projects to protect at-risk wildlife. Tribal Nations would share $97.5 million annually, including about $1 million for Wisconsin, to fund wildlife conservation efforts on the tens of millions of acres under Tribal management nationwide.
The health of Wisconsin’s wildlife is a win for environmental and ecological health, public health, economic well-being, and the conservation of Wisconsin’s iconic wildlife species. To learn how you can show your support for RAWA and Wisconsin’s wildlife, visit the Coalition’s website here.